Thursday, January 29, 2009

another day wasted

just like dat...wat a slacker i have become *ketuk diri sndrik*

woke up early for the 830am class where i have to lead the discussions
agak berlari2 anak jugak la takut lambat only to find dat half of the group is still missing in action
not dat i mind, at least i'm not the last one to arrive
cute preceptor..sekali tgk mcm Matt Damon, dua kali tgk mcm Brad Pitt zaman memuda
hoho cuci mata smbil berdiskusi penyakit paru2 hoho

decided to skip lectures n came back for another discussion session later in the afternoon
eat the leftover pasta for brunch while rerunning GG again
no new epi tis week, bummer!

plan to wash hair but then napping center in the brain nudge against desicion making part
short nap wouldn't hurt right?
huh, right! nap la sgt smpai 5 mins to 3 o clock br bukak mata n group discussion at 330pm!
looks like hair washing have to wait til tonite la

no new Grey's tonite *sigh*

making plans for the 'long' weekend
totally skipping tmr morning lectures, prolly go for a visit to Market Mall
Saturday got Marrybrown *halal yo!* picnic n bowling at Chinook
Sunday go tobagoning!!!
bile nk catch up study ni Dalilah oi?!


Anonymous said...

i so envy your study life ok! huuu

Anonymous said...

hahahah...itula too..
study life is best ape...boleh ponteng kan life yg bukan medic laa kot...buku2 dorg sungguh mcm menakutkan je..and byk giler kena baca..and kelas dorg byk yg wajib...aku mase kat uni dulu mmg heaven giler...wajib is lulus exam and attend lab..the rest is ikut laa camane lab leceh gier juge...papepn mane boleh weeeii nak hidup mudah je...aiyakkk...

CT DALILAH said...

yun: u wont be when it's exam time!

fa: i think satu je yg x best jd student --> EXAM! ouh, n assignments and evaluations. jd med student is not dat bad, aku selalu jer ponteng klas, dtg yg wajib2 jer ataupon klas yg aku minat jer seperti klas anatomy sbb boley main2 ngn mayat *morbidnyer aku ni*..yes, yg penting exam pass n here x de grading just lulus n fail weeeeee xyah nk berlumba2 sape dpt markah tinggi2 haha..

aku tau life is not handed on silver plater but how i wish it is~ heaven kan if dat's the case